All Band Radio Uses Arduino And Si4730
All Band Radio Uses Arduino and Si4730
If you are looking for a DIY project that can tune in to any radio frequency from AM to FM to shortwave, you might want to check out this all band radio that uses Arduino and Si4730. The Si4730 is a programmable radio chip that can receive AM, FM, and shortwave signals with high sensitivity and selectivity. The Arduino is used to control the Si4730 and display the frequency and signal strength on an LCD screen. The project also features a rotary encoder for tuning, a speaker for audio output, and a battery for portability.
The project was created by Ricardo Lima Caratti, who shared the details on He explains that the Si4730 is a versatile chip that can be configured to work with different types of antennas, filters, and amplifiers. He also provides the schematic, code, and 3D-printed case for the project on his GitHub repository. He says that the project is still under development and he plans to add more features such as RDS, SSB, and Bluetooth.
Why Build an All Band Radio
An all band radio is a great way to explore the world of radio waves and learn about electronics and programming. You can listen to different stations from different countries and regions, as well as amateur radio operators and emergency broadcasts. You can also experiment with different antennas and filters to improve the reception and quality of the signals. An all band radio can also be useful in situations where you need to access information without relying on the internet or cellular networks.
How to Build an All Band Radio Using Arduino and Si4730
If you want to build your own all band radio using Arduino and Si4730, you will need the following components:
An Arduino Nano or compatible board
A Si4730 radio module or breakout board
A 16x2 LCD screen with I2C interface
A rotary encoder with push button
A speaker or headphone jack
A battery holder and switch
A 3D-printed case or enclosure
Some wires, resistors, capacitors, and connectors
The basic steps to build the project are as follows:
Connect the Si4730 module to the Arduino using the I2C pins (A4 and A5) and two digital pins (D2 and D3) for interrupt and reset signals.
Connect the LCD screen to the Arduino using the I2C pins (A4 and A5) and two digital pins (D10 and D11) for backlight control.
Connect the rotary encoder to the Arduino using three digital pins (D4, D5, and D6) for A, B, and switch signals.
Connect the speaker or headphone jack to the Arduino using one analog pin (A0) for audio output.
Connect the battery holder and switch to the Arduino using the VIN and GND pins for power supply.
Upload the code to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE. You can find the code on GitHub.
Assemble the components in the 3D-printed case or enclosure. You can find the STL files on
Turn on the switch and ec8f644aee