Coc Revamp Save Editor
There are three methods:
Editing save files within the game itself
Editing save files with an external editor
Using a game-specific tool to allow a player to edit save files
The first step is getting a save file. You can edit any save file, but the easiest way to get a save file is to let the game use the save file it generates when you save. You can use the 'Save to File' function or you can use the 'Save' function. 'Save' will save the game and allow you to edit it later. 'Save to File' will save it, but will not be editable by later saves.
There are pros and cons to each method. For example, in-game save editing can be very helpful to a player, and comes at no extra cost to the player. However, since the player's save has no extra information beyond what the game gives it, save editing does not allow the player to make any custom choices. Also, editing the game save is a lot easier if you use the keyboard to navigate the game, or if you have a copy of a save file you want to edit. Finally, it can be very difficult to find out how to edit a save file. The game may or may not give any hint as to how to do so.
Finally, an editable save file is only as good as the player's understanding of the game. If the player doesn't understand how to act, what to do, or where to go, editing the save file will only make the player more confused.
Note: The save editor can be set to save your game when you are in combat, and this can lead to unexpected results, so be very careful with your saves. Also, don't be tempted to save while in a quest. Any progress made in a quest while save editing will be lost after you save.
To do save editing, your character's save file must be open in your editor. Open it as a binary file (extension '*.dat'). Once it has been opened, you can edit anything in the file, up to the point that it attempts to save the file back to game space. Anything beyond that point will have no effect.
Once you've located the saves folder, you can use a program like Notepad or a text editor to modify save files. Just save the file you want to modify under a different name, change the contents of the file, and then reload it into the game.
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