Cock Sparrer, Shock Troops Full Album Zip LINK
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I heard that it was now easier to find the cockchafer,though it was true that in places they were to be seenwherever old trees were growing, and there were alsocal reports of their having been in yards andhedges, but I could hear of no specimen in pots whichhad been noticed for some years. Now, curious to observethem, I built a small cage, in the centre of which anold butterfly-net was placed, and I kept a very close watchon it for some months. The usual old country cockchafercame, and I watched their movements, but they alwaysseemed to spend more time resting than feeding, and Ihave rarely seen one which had been particularly busy,only a few days having elapsed since I first saw them.Yet there they were, grey, fluffy-looking, and uglyexamples of the family, shoaling in numbers like a schoolof black fish to the watery surface of some countrypool, and the net was never troubled by a single breach oftheir plumage or weight. For the most part they stayedquiet, but occasionally a younger bird would fly over, andsee his more experienced parent. Both birds, when nestledtogether in a hole, would set up a monotonous singsongto produce a very pretty sound. It was astonishing thatit should have escaped my notice, for these beetles hadlived where I had lived all my life, and in summer hadinhabited the eucalyptus forests. They seemed to me thenbut a familiar sight, and though they had come to thegarden in numbers at one time, that was before I beganto notice them, and, infuriated by their noxious smell, Ihad scythed off every tree I could see in the fieldwhere they stood.
There was a black cover over the bowl inside whichthe beetles lived, and as I expected, a full-grown cockchaferwould soon repel a thief from the repast, and when he didthis, either with a rash hand or by temper, the familywould all take flight. Shouting and running after thefamily, I would beat them down biting them like fleas, andwhen the food was destroyed completely, I would throwthe net down among them, and then would have to sit inthesadness and wait. d2c66b5586