Download Thinkorswim Platform For Mac
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TD Ameritrade's trading platform ThinkorSwim is now available for download as a free software for all users. You can now enjoy the seamless experience of charting and trading all within the same setup.
Once ThinkorSwim is downloaded onto your desktop, click to open the file and follow the on-screen instructions. After that, you should be able to launch the platform and login using your TD Ameritrade account.
Note: For Windows there are two different installers based on the operating system type you have installed. If the website does not automatically select an installer for your operating system, you can tell which of the two you need by following these instructions:
When the download finishes click on the TOS install file that should be in the bottom left hand corner of the screen or in the upper right hand corner of the screen of your web browser (holding the CTRL key and pressing the J key should bring up the downloads folder). Double click on the thinkorswim_ installer.exe file.
Once the download is completed, open the downloaded thinkorswim.dmg file that should be in the downloads folder. There may be a thinkorswim disk image on the desktop. If this is the case, click on it to open the file. Click the thinkorswim installer.
In some cases, the operating system may not let the application run due to not being downloaded from the Mac App Store. To run the installer in this case secondary click (right click, control+click) on the thinkorswim installer.
The next screen will display Welcome to thinkorswim Setup Wizard. Please click Next. Most users should keep the default action to Update existing installation and click Next.
Pull up all the settings that you would like to transfer from the first computer (detach your grids, charts, analyzed trades, etc), then click on Setup>Save Workspace As and give it a name. This will create a file in the thinkorswim directory (c:\\program files\\thinkorswim) with a name called workspace.whatevername.xml. Basically anything that displayed on the screen when the workspace is saved will be transferred. *If you have several grids, open each of these and detach them so that they are displaying on the screen prior to saving the workspace.
In the thinkorswim folder you will see a folder called Backup (this folder may not exist) as well as files named workspace.*.xml. Move all of these to the new machine. You will then be able to pull up these settings when logging in with the saved workspace you transferred. Once the detached charts load you can then save all the necessary settings to your other computer accordingly.
Pull up all the settings that you would like to transfer from the first username (detach your grids, charts, analyzed trades, etc), then click on Setup>Save Workspace As and give it a name. This will create a file in the thinkorswim directory (c:\\program files\\thinkorswim) with a name called workspace.whatevername.xml. Basically anything that displayed on the screen when the workspace is saved will be transferred.
Next, log out of the account and pull up the login screen again. Enter the second username and password. Once the platform has loaded, click the Setup button at the upper right and in the drop down menu, choose the workspace file you would like to view. Your detached charts and other settings will appear and you can then save them under the second username.
Pull up all the settings that you would like to transfer from your paper account (detach your grids, charts, analyzed trades, etc), then click on Setup>Save Workspace As and give it a name. This will create a file in the thinkorswim directory (c:\\program files\\thinkorswim) with a name called workspace.whatevername.xml. Basically anything that displayed on the screen when the workspace is saved will be transferred.
Next, log out of the paper account and pull up the login screen again. Enter your username and password. You will need to be sure to sign into Live Trading. Once the platform has loaded, click the Setup button at the upper right and in the drop down menu, choose the workspace file you would like to view. Your detached charts and other settings will appear and you can then save them accordingly.
Pull up all the settings that you would like to transfer from your live account (detach your grids, charts, analyzed trades, etc), then click on Setup>Save Workspace As and give it a name. This will create a file in the thinkorswim directory (c:\\program files\\thinkorswim) with a name called workspace.whatevername.xml. Basically anything that displayed on the screen when the workspace is saved will be transferred.
Next, log out of the live account and pull up the login screen again. Enter your username and password. You will need to be sure to sign into paperMoney. Once the platform has loaded, click the Setup button at the upper right and in the drop down menu, choose the workspace file you would like to view. Your detached charts and other settings will appear and you can then save them accordingly.
If after you complete the restore the lost workspace does actually appear in the drop down menu of the login screen, select it and then resave the workspace once you are logged into the thinkorswim platform by going to Setup>Save Workspace As. 153554b96e