Fallout 10mm Pistol Real Life
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Some of the sci-fi weapons are also based on real life concepts but they don't have a counterpart per say. This goes back to even the first Fallout title released in 1997. Back then it was an Isometric, Turn-Based RPG. The weapons were more simplistic in design, but their influences can easily be traced, regardless of any graphical limitations.
The first Fallout game featured the 14mm Pistol as a mid game weapon with reasonable damage and accuracy. It is based on the Hammerli 280 pistol, which is a .22 caliber target pistol that hold 6 rounds. Fans will note the similar magazine well and grip, though the game version uses a completely different caliber. Curiously, the 14mm pistol beaten in damage by the .223 Pistol. This is somewhat interesting considering that .223 is a rifle caliber, and firing it out of a pistol would surely result in a significant loss of wounding potential. 14mm on the other hand is a very potent real world pistol cartridge. One would expect these damage values to be flipped.
Though this bullpup assault rifle is named after the British XL70E3, it resembles the earlier XL60 series of rifles more strongly. The term "bullpup" refers to the action of the weapon being placed behind the trigger, giving it a distinct profile. In Fallout 2, this rifle is chambered in 5mm while its real life counterpart is chambered in 4.85mm. This weapon was also strictly a prototype and was never mass produced for any military. In the Fallout world, this obviously cannot be the case as it is a rather ubiquitous weapon in the wasteland.
The goal was to arm the militia home defense force with a weapon that could be produced as cheaply and quickly as possible. This explains its rather unflattering design. In the game, the rifle does radiation damage and is chambered in .45 caliber. Its real life counterpart, however, is chambered in 7.92x33mm and obviously does not do radiation damage.
The 10mm Auto (10×25mm, official C.I.P. nomenclature: 10 mm Auto,[7] official SAAMI nomenclature: 10mm Automatic)[8] is a semi-automatic pistol cartridge introduced in 1983. Its design was adopted and later produced by ammunition manufacturer FFV Norma AB of Åmotfors, Sweden.[12]
Although it was selected for service by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1989, in the aftermath of the 1986 FBI Miami shootout, the cartridge was later decommissioned (except by the Hostage Rescue Team and Special Weapons and Tactics Teams) after their Firearms Training Unit eventually concluded that its recoil was excessive in terms of training for average agents and police officers' competency of use and qualification,[12] and that the pistols chambered for the cartridge were too large for some small-handed individuals. These issues led to the creation of and following replacement by a shorter version of the 10mm that exists today as the .40 S&W, and while the 10mm never attained the mainstream success of this compact variant, there is still an enthusiastic group of supporters and users, and as of 2007, in recent years has started to grow again in popularity.[13]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation briefly field-tested the 10mm Auto using a M1911 pistol and a Thompson Model 1928[20] submachine gun before adopting the Smith & Wesson Model 1076 in 1990; a short-barreled version of the Model 1026 with its slide-mounted decock/firing pin block safety supplanted by only a frame-mounted decocker. A contract was signed with Heckler & Koch to produce a quantity of the specialized MP5 utilizing the cartridge, designated MP5/10 for use by their Hostage Rescue Team and Special Weapons and Tactics Teams. Since 1994, both units still field the weapon and caliber to this day.[1][2]
The "10mm Submachine Gun" is the only SMG in the game. Its design essentially consists of the receiver of a Browning M2HB that has been reversed and made into a gun similar to the defunct Heckler & Koch SMG prototype, along with a pistol grip and trigger guard reminiscent of the Thompson line of submachine guns. A unique variant is used by fortune hunter Sydney and can be given to the player by choosing to side with her in the quest "Stealing Independence".
In the base game, the Henry also appears as "Lincoln's Repeater", a one-of-a-kind rifle based on the real Henry 1860 that was presented to Abraham Lincoln in 1860. This variant is brass-framed and has the same engraving as on the real rifle. It is also chambered in .44 Magnum instead of .44 rimfire, presumably for gameplay purposes; however, in the game files, there exist assets for a ".44 caliber center fire" round, which was meant to be used in Lincoln's Repeater. Its description as centerfire rounds however still makes it an incorrect chambering; this possibly resulted from the fact that .44-40 WCF is a common chambering for modern Henry replicas. Lincoln's Repeater is a very high-powered rifle, dealing 25 more damage than the Hunting Rifle, and 10 more damage than the Sniper Rifle. While it lacks a scope, it remains highly accurate at long range as it has a spread factor of 0. It also has 3 times the ammo capacity of either of the other two rifles. Rather strangely, Lincoln's Repeater can only be repaired with Hunting Rifles, though this feature was likely implemented for gameplay reasons as the repeater is the only Henry rifle in the game. However, the 10mm version from the Point Lookout DLC cannot be used to repair Lincoln's Repeater. Interestingly, a cut HUD icon features Lincoln's Repeater with an appearance more close to its real world inspiration, as no handguard is present on the rifle, along with the follower tab being positioned at the rear of the magazine tube. Likely an oversight, the Henry's hammer flicks backwards when the rifle is fired as if it was a double action hammer.
Fallout 3 weapon10mm pistol RequirementsSkillSmall Guns Attack statisticsDmg/attack9 (14.5)Dmg/proj.9 (14.5)DPS54 (86.7)DPS (reload)32.7 (52.5)Crit dmgCrit % mult9 x1Attacks/secAP617ProjectilesSpread10.5Ammo & ReloadingAmmo type10mm roundAmmo/shotShots/rel.112Ammo cap.Reload time121.3OtherWeightValue3225Item HP150RepairN99 10mm pistolsEditor IDWeap10mmPistolForm ID0000434Fxx003F49 (sim version)xx00C06C (alloy steel)0006F210 (Sonora Cruz's)Perk effectsPerks (dam.)Bloody Mess (+0.5)Ghoul Ecology (+5)The pre-War version of the N99 found in Operation: Anchorage.
These features also make it popular with wastelanders, who appreciate the ease of maintenance.[1] It remains a common weapon, as even though many civilian units were ruined, they can easily be restored by anyone with some repair knowledge.[1] Even damaged units can be used reliably, though they will offer subpar performance and jam frequently. The number of manufactured pistols means that parts are easy to come by, however.[1] The N99 10mm pistol may be equipped with a suppressor for more covert applications.
The pistol uses 10mm ammunition, commonly found in Washington, D.C. and the surrounding Capital Wasteland. It is similar to the Colt 6520, which is more common on the West Coast. It is also the first actual gun available in the game and can be found in many other places around the game world.
10mm pistols are all semi or fully automatic hand held firearms that fire 10mm rounds. These sidearms appear in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Van Buren.
10mm pistols are sidearms using the 10mm ammunition that was common before the Great War. They were used extensively by the Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and Lasers, while in the military such pistols were being phased out in favor of energy weapons.[1] Their ruggedness, reliability, and firepower made them a popular choice among wastelanders and thus a staple of wasteland firefights.[2]
The Colt 6520 10mm autoloading pistol is a highly durable and efficient weapon developed by Colt Firearms prior to the Great War.[3][4] It proved to be resistant to the desert-like conditions of the post-nuclear wasteland and is a fine example of workmanship and quality construction (at least for the pre-War models, which became more scarce over time). The simple design of the gun allows it to be easily manufactured with relatively basic equipment, making it possible to be replicated in workshops in the post-nuclear world. The Colt 6520's durability, reliability, and simple design makes it very popular among wasteland denizens, for whom sophisticated high maintenance weapons would be a liability to survival.[5]
The 10mm combat pistol[8] is a next-generation 10mm sidearm created before the Great War. While it is a different design from the N99,[9] it uses the same gas-operated action, allowing it to use 10mm ammunition with ease. Key differences include a slide stop, automatically locking the slide back when the weapon runs dry, a disassembly lever in the front section, safety in front of the trigger, rather than on the slide, and compatibility with a plethora of aftermarket modifications.[10]
Developed in the 1980s, the 10mm Auto is a powerful round that gets an autopistol into Magnum revolver power ranges. It is frequently compared to the .41 Magnum but has a larger following than the revolver cartridge.
Since the 10mm is such a powerful cartridge, you might wonder if the XD-M is up to a steady diet of the round. Well, Clay Martin decided to find out and do a full 10,000-round test of Federal Hydra-Shok 10mm defensive ammo in his Springfield XD-M review. The pistol made it through the test with flying colors.
For personal defense, this gun is a good weight. It is light enough that it can be carried all day in a good holster. Likewise, it lends itself to home defense. In both scenarios, the 10mm Auto ammo and the full size pistol combine to offer excellent personal protection.
Yes, to extend upon what DP said, this is a fictitious gun, as are all the weapons that will feature in the mod. This gun, as DP also said, is a hybrid of elements of the M1911 and Fallout 4's 10mm pistol (although the model is made from scratch, so no parts of Fallout 4's actual 10mm model were used) 2b1af7f3a8
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