Gamemaker7 And Crack ( DR XJ ) Keygen
Gamemaker7 And Crack ( DR XJ ) Keygen ->->->->
However old are you lot? Twelve? Thirteen?You certainly use logic and language like a bunch of pre-pubescent, under educated retards.Here you are bragging of your ability to crack software and yet are so poor at coding that you need to use Gamemaker to produce something real. At the same time many of you seem unable to construct simple sentences without spelling and gramatical errors that would suggest you are incapable of carrying out anything but the most menial, manual jobs. Perhaps that explains your inability to find the measly $20 to pay for a licensed copy of GM7.By the way, having got your illegal copies of the software have any of you managed to produce anything with it, or have you just fiddled about with it before giving up? The standard of discussion suggests that you are unlikely to have what it takes to be producers rather than a parasites.
i paid for GM 6 and now at GM 7, there is all sorts of problems in getting the liscenced version. I feel they have cheated me and want to do a crack. Afterall its not a crime since I have already paid. Now who is the real criminal?
You guys are all noobs.. i hate how the internet now allows anybody to go about cracking software and not know what the heck they are doing. DrxJ works by injecting the main file with new data. Yes, that is what a virus will do. DUH, thats what you WANT it to do if you run it. I cracked it, liked it, and bought it. That is how this whole crack thing SHOULD work.
I think Yoyo are stupid when it comes to protection. I gave a huge warning when the decompiler broke out, and nobody cared. Infact, fred deleted my topic. Then a few weeks later Yoyo starts panicking and the whole of GMC starts fighting against the decompiler. Now its come to the cracks.. 2b1af7f3a8