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The three inscriptions are not equally preserved; that which is nearestthe monument is in better preservation. The first inscription, which isin arabic, occupies the west side of the monument; and in it is mentioned, first, the persons[103] ; secondly, the office of Darius ; thirdly, the project of thestatue, a branch of which is represented on the tablet; fourthly,the disposition of the country after the conquest ; and finally, thenames of the seven kings who succeeded each other in the empire. A copyof this inscription is given in the inscription recently published bymyself. The second inscription, which is in Greek, occupies the southside; and it contains the following particulars respecting Darius.He was of the family of the Achaemenidae, or descendants of theAchaeans, and his father's name was Ariaeus. He reigned thirty-fiveyears, and was succeeded by his son Hystaspes, who reigned for sevenyears; of whom the fourth Sisamnes, who was twenty-five years ofage, conquered a great part of Asia. The Greek inscription gives moreparticulars concerning Darius, but it is now illegible.[104] Thethird inscription, which is in cuneiform, is on the west side, and is avery long, unornamented tablet, and occupies the space from therecess to the eastward of the south side of the monument. The firstpart is in cuneiform, and shows the name of Darius, followed by a shorthistory of his reign. The second part is also in cuneiform, andconsists of a series of letters, which are supposed to be a history ofthe conquest of the Persians by Alexander. They represent thesuccessions of Alexander in the kingdoms he gained, and end with theyear 327 B.C. The third part is in characters different from theother two, and is about the same length as the first part. Itconsists of a series of questions and answers, in which the meaning ofthe characters is explained, and it ends with the names of thosePersians who were present at the translation of the monument. Itis supposed that the translation was made from the original inGreek, and that the cuneiform characters were written in thePersian language. The history of the monument itself begins in theyear 495 B.C.
From the description of the Rosetta Stone record, it is clear that the inscription was originally erected in six languages, the Classical Greek, the Akkadian (an extinct Semitic language), the Old Persian, the Elamite, the Babylonian and the Cuneiform. The inscription was moved by Darius III to the site of the ancient town of Elephantine (modern Aswan in Egypt), where it was displayed to the public as a tourist attraction. After Darius' death, the stone was taken by his son Xerxes and moved to Susa. It was returned to Athens in 525 BC by the Athenian general Demosthenes, who erected a similar inscription in Greek on the northwest side of the Athenian Acropolis. The stone was accidentally broken in 384 BC when the Persian invaders of Athens captured the Acropolis and it was never assembled again, so the original inscription was forgotten. A more recent copy of the text was discovered in the mid-1800s in the British Museum in London. 827ec27edc