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Kannada Lyrics: Neenam Mageluva Gibaaga Jamukhane
Neenam Mageluva Gibaaga Jamukhane is a popular Kannada song from the movie Chandavalliya Thota, released in 1964. The song was composed by T.G. Lingappa and sung by P.B. Sreenivas and S. Janaki. The lyrics were written by R.N. Jayagopal and narrate the love story of a young couple who elope from their village.
The song is considered as one of the evergreen classics of Kannada cinema and has been covered by many singers over the years. The song is also known for its catchy tune and poetic expressions. The title of the song means \"You are my beloved, hiding in the dense forest\".
In this article, we will provide you with the Kannada lyrics of Neenam Mageluva Gibaaga Jamukhane, along with the English translation and meaning. We will also give you some tips on how to sing this song and enjoy its beauty.
Kannada Lyrics of Neenam Mageluva Gibaaga Jamukhane
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Neenam mageluva gibaaga jamukhane
Neenu nanna hrudaya kusuma kusuma
You are my beloved, hiding in the dense forest
You are my heart's flower, flower
You are my heart's flower, flower
The rest of the lyrics can be found here.
English Translation and Meaning of Neenam Mageluva Gibaaga Jamukhane
The song is a romantic duet between the hero and the heroine, who have run away from their homes to be together. They express their love and admiration for each other in various metaphors and similes. They also describe the beauty of nature and their surroundings.
Some of the lines and their meanings are:
Neenu nanna hrudaya kusuma kusuma: You are my heart's flower, flower. This means that the lover considers his beloved as the most precious and beautiful thing in his life.
Neenu nanna chanda chakora chakora: You are my moon's bird, bird. This means that the lover compares his beloved to a chakora bird, which is said to be fond of the moonlight.
Neenu nanna baana baanali baanali: You are my arrow's string, string. This means that the lover feels that his beloved is the source of his strength and direction.
Neenu nanna bhaava bhaavane bhaavane: You are my feeling's thought, thought. This means that the lover thinks only of his beloved and his emotions are filled with her.
Tips on How to Sing Neenam Mageluva Gibaaga Jamukhane
If you want to sing this song and enjoy its melody and lyrics, here are some tips for you:
Listen to the original song by P.B. Sreenivas and S. Janaki and try to imitate their pronunciation and intonation. You can also watch the video of the song ec8f644aee