Micro-structural Characterisation Of Non-easel ...
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Abstract:At present, macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) is one of the most essential analytical methods exploited by heritage science. By providing spatial distribution elemental maps, not only does it allow for material characterisation but also to understand, or at least to have a likely idea of, the production techniques of an analysed object. INFN-CHNet, the Cultural Heritage Network of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, designed and developed a MA-XRF scanner aiming to be a lightweight, easy to transport piece of equipment for use in in situ measurements. In this study, the INFN-CHNet MA-XRF scanner was employed for the analysis of a painting by the Flemish artist Rogier van der Weyden. The painting belongs to the collection of the Uffizi gallery in Florence and was analysed during conservation treatments at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, one of the main conservation centres in Italy. The research aims were to characterise the materials employed by the artist and to possibly understand his painting technique. Although MA-XRF alone cannot provide a comprehensive characterisation, it nonetheless proved to be an invaluable tool for providing an initial overview or hypothesis of the painting materials and techniques used.Keywords: MA-XRF; heritage science; non-invasive analysis; portable equipment; pigment identification; van der Weyden; Flemish painting; calco-potassic glass in painting; INFN-CHNet; Opificio delle Pietre Dure
The non-invasive techniques provided useful information about the characterisation of the components of the golden medallions. However, complete characterisation of the medallions required the use of other techniques such as mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy- energy dispersive X-ray. This is the first time that lead chromate has been detected in gildings. The external gilding was applied at the beginning of the 19th century using mordant oil (linseed oil).
This study details the use of non-invasive techniques for the characterisation of materials used to make the gilding on the medallions found in the Mudejar Palace of Reales Alcazares. The main objectives of this paper were to elucidate and reconstruct the processes employed to make the gilding. We also examined the reliability of non-invasive techniques, such as XRF, XRD, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and SEM-EDX, for studying the golden medallions.
The non-invasive techniques provided useful information about the characterisation of the components of the golden medallion, and the results provided by the different techniques correspond well with one another. However, complete characterisation of the medallions required the use of other techniques such as mass spectrometry and SEM-EDX.
As it has very high chemical specificity, micro-SORS is often used for the characterisation of surface layers of paints in art. Not only that, but the technique has come in very handy for the study of hidden images and writings, as it can determine overlayer depth, reject overlayer fluorescence and permit two-dimensional mapping of thin materials.
Known as the Treasure of the Queen Saint Isabel, the 14 th century bequest of Isabel of Aragon, Queen of Portugal, is one of the most valuable sets of art pieces in Portuguese history. The Treasure is part of the Machado de Castro National Museum collection, and had not been studied extensively by analytical characterisation techniques to this date. Recently, the Treasure has been analysed by a team from Coimbra Laser Lab, in order to identify the gemstones, pigments and the presence of vitreous enamel.
Solubility tests have been proposed as a simple form of analysis/identification preliminary to more complex instrumental techniques.190191Nielsen discussed such solubility tests during forensic investigations.192 Small quantities of unknown samples to be identified were exposed to solvents to view the following phenomena: bleeding of organic pigments, swelling, dissolution of the film, and effervescence from carbonate extenders and other additives. The reactions were compared with the reactions of control samples for initial characterisation before further tests were conducted. The necessity of building a library of identified standards is often stressed.193194195 781b155fdc