Resident Evil 6 Cestina 80
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The first demo I tried was Leon's. It began with the chic-haired pretty boy zombie slayer and his partner, Helena, shooting the President evil right in the noggin before attempting to flee the premises. Only Leon flees like he's walking through molasses. Of all the recent trends to pick up on it had to choose "walk slowly while you can't aim and a bunch of scripted things happen to you."
On 29 June 2013, US President Adam Benford (Michael Donovan) attempts to publicly reveal the truth behind the 1998 Raccoon City incident and the government's dealings with Umbrella, to end further bio-terrorist activity. However, the venue in the American town of Tall Oaks is hit by another attack, infecting the President; the sole survivors, DSO agent and Raccoon City survivor Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer) and United States Secret Service agent Helena Harper (Laura Bailey), are forced to kill him. The pair encounter the real Ada Wong (also Taylor), and Leon learns that National Security Advisor Derek Simmons (David Lodge) is affiliated with Neo-Umbrella and was responsible for the attack. Leon and Helena pursue Simmons into Lanshiang, China, while faking their deaths. Meanwhile, Jake and Sherry escape captivity in Lanshiang.
Chris returns to duty in the BSAA with Piers and a new team, arriving in a besieged Lanshiang. Chris recovers from his amnesia and seeks revenge against Ada, resulting in casualties for his squad. Chris and Piers confront "Ada", until Leon intervenes. After being informed by Leon, Chris and Piers pursue "Ada" to an aircraft carrier, destroying cruise missiles laden with the C-virus. Leon, Helena, Sherry and Jake confront Simmons over his involvement with the outbreaks, where Sherry covertly hands Jake's medical data to Leon in case of their captivity. Leon and Helena corner Simmons, who has been infected by a J'avo, where he confesses to having killed the President to maintain national security. The two see off a mutated Simmons while Sherry and Jake are captured again. Attempting to leave the city, Leon and Helena are warned by Chris that a missile carrying the C-virus has been launched, and its detonation unleashes an outbreak in the city. Leon discloses Jake's real identity to Chris and has him rescue Jake and Sherry in a remote oil platform. With Ada's assistance, Leon and Helena kill Simmons.
@carface80 i love this.. Since I'm a big fan of Ash vs evil dead. Can you please please please make it a pickup? One more update please.. This needs an attacher on the back so I can finally haul a trailer just like in the TV series. Cuz that would be dope. 5/5
Hired by the National Security Advisor to aid in the protection of the President, she finds herself failing her mission before she even reaches her main objective. The President's death doesn't affect her; what affects her is her seemingly fated reunion with Leon S. Kennedy, the man she last saw nine years ago, in Spain.
During the first direct Czech presidential election in January 2013, the right-of-center candidate, Karel Schwarzenberg, lost not only because as Foreign Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister he was associated with a relatively discredited right-wing government of the day, but also because the successful presidential candidate, Miloš Zeman, was able to show Schwarzenberg as a representative of German interests. [6]
Historically, the Czechs have held the office of their President in very high regard. They still remember with reverence the founder of the interwar democratic Czechoslovakia, the President Liberator Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, who stood above politics and in a way for many Czechoslovaks embodied a continuation of the office of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor. For many people, the Office of the President conferred high honor also on playwright Václav Havel, the first post-communist holder of this post, and on his successors Václav Klaus and Miloš Zeman.
Just buy it (unless the reason you are saving money is something serious). The price is pretty good. Specially if you got nothing. RE2 and RE3 alone make around 20 bucks, that is 2 games out of 10 (yes, 10, 1 item is a coupon and the other item is a bait and switch tactic, resident evil revelations 2 episode 1 is not included standalone, they "remove" that because the deluxe edition is included in the two highest tiers, but they still mention that episode 1 standalone as part of the entire package on those 2 tiers).
Starlings use gardens all year round but in the winter our resident population is boosted by migrant birds from mainland Europe. Garden BirdWatch data reflects this with the number of gardens reporting starlings rapidly increasing from October onwards.
' ijajh &a a aa gi : . , ... - v . -, , i niNiifi't'juivji?I.r,8.yusCimes j a yrjl 4j a (j W jj ir j y - f iUd KTt IATCBI.AT TTH J I Ja C S A lV A A V ' V Ay VVt WMJWIW COMFAMT. . , J j. T . ' vOFFICE RULES.KI LI OKI.irxs or subscription;jf on yaw, advaass, Iy tlx months. I advance fcOOl XCtB TWO.TBS OF ADVBETIBIKO:Advertising, Oneone Insertion,...-. $1:50jibsequent Insertion-.75I RULE THREE.HU.Y, HAir-YBABlT A5DYEARLY BATES:e IKMEE OCCFIED, JILLjuare...8085rtli Column1 Column...181T5135iumnh ttesrular Advertisements)e paid at the beglunlng ofQuarter.I HULE FOUR.Editorial Notices, exceptaccomnantng the first Ineer-an a-vertsemenA will beWl 20 cents pet line; OMto same. Simple anuouuee-i of deaths or marriages freewho wish to Indulge InIs termed personal notices,"required to pay in accordWith the nature of their artl-RULE FIVE.fob akkoukcino cakdipates:tate and District Offices, $20bounty Office:. WCIAt OfllCM -RULE BIX.W front transient customerstl or written, for Job work, adjsing, or subscription, must bepanled by tbe Cash to obtainktlou.List of Court Terms.Act to transfer the counties ofknlea and Coahoma irom mekvMith ill) to the twelfth (12)idlclal District, ana we countyfrom the twelfth (12)n.o .ivpntli (in Judicial Die-let. and to nx tne nines ror bohfinr the Circuit Courts In 2. Be It further enacted,( il.o f lntt!mirtaof the Elevh Judicial District shall be hoi(and continue for the UmesasVinsOer sUted, should the busl-s of the coun so rang rs"'"I. iha MMIIltV Of BollVSr COIu-kiplna on the first Monday ofrch and September and continuejive Judicial days,ii the county of Washingtonimennlng on the third MondayE, larch onu Beptemoer, aim wle twenty-tour Judicial days,i iha nnnntv M iMaaUena COIT1doing on the seventh MondayU ! flrat Mondsv In March andMember, and continue twelvellnlat 4a V.L. i nnnntv nf Sunflower comicing on tne ninm nionunv hwi.... . ..- -- -first aiounay in iruufmnlwr. and continue sixiclal days.n 111 WMiniy in ufiii u"the eleventh MondayLulu. Hn.t Mondsv In March sndKipmlKT. and continue twelven l ilavs.1 1 iiammntv of Leflore, common'IT on eleventh Mondoy oftor thekt Mommy in siarcn " oi'Sihcr, and continue twelve Judl.I !uys.ppioved March 25, ld4.Lh Clinnprv District: continues 6Inys In Tunica, 6 In Coahoma, 0In Bolivar and 12 in Washington:t Monday (5th) January, Tunicad " (12th) " Coahoma'4 " (10th)Monday, '(6th)" (10th) M x Bolivarlmih " WABhlmrtou,Monday, (6th) April, Tunicail " (tilth) " CoahomaW " (30th) " Bolivarh " (27th) ".Washingtonl Monday (6th) July, TunicaId (13th) " Coahomft(20thj " BoUvar(27th) " Wahlgtont Monday (Gtb) October, Tunicad(13th)OeahomaIu(20st)(27th)" TollvarWaamgtonChancery Court will be held inwaqucna County, 14th District,la AtU Mnmlnra nftur 4th MooVys of January, April, July andlovcmbcr.The terms of tho Supreme Courtill commence on the 3d Mondays'April and October. 'The Town Council meets ragularrthe 1st Tuesday of each month.Hole In Th3 Wall."TAKE pleasure in informing myfriends aiidtho public generally,(llllt k UUYU IUiWMo?a uiv nuvTVVcll-known saloon, whore myrlonds and patrons will alwaysA ttMrillt-tYa-i 4Hn Slla-arsI nd tho finest.. IMFOBTEDvises. Lirjcs axd c:mI That can be had in any market,H. M. BNOWBERGERVpr.4,1874. Proprietor,-Vcrthinston, Eucknsr & Co..ICa aiOf3REENVILLE, MISSISSIPPITransact a General(Collections ;ade and proceedsremitted, on day received,TJUY and sell on commissions 11JL kinds Bonds, Scrip aud v r-inch 22, 1873.rants.-VOL.7,REFUGE SALOONIAT1KO Novnttod vp ana iarsiahed my Saloon, in theTwoLarge Two Story Building,MULBERRY STREET,UlfDIX theRSftTD ClUb lsSC3.JKOWSOUOT the FUEUC PATK3SA0BHOKE . FRESH-VBX THEVBeorBEST ir IF ALWAY8 cduqvoE8ox .KEPT.HAND.decSS. I8ENBER0.PIATT'SSouthern-Made Gin.'Prioe, 14 per Caw.This eeJebrattd Ci- of lightseed cotton, and In lean time, thananv other gin. it aoeo not oreaxthe roll nor choke, la simple In itsnut nr order. ir IIt Is a good rule to try all things, bits. Fludlug there were no cusand hold fast to what has been ap- , ,iffht.he srood-nituredlyfSvfi&itted for Pratt's Oln, aud is admittedoy pracucai piasters wnuttSJiL a ni. in t msaws, Gum Bands at New YorkhcUwy prices, and complete set oniS3"n"."wright AddressO. W. TRUE2EART,Agent for Daniel Pratt Gin Com-pany.No. 10 Court street, -mySOMEMPHIS, TENM.IMPORTANT to INSURERS.A WOBD TO THE WISE.The following Is the official listof ALL the t ire insurance uorunanlea authorised by lawtotranslent business lu the Btate of Mis-nS& Insurance Company ofIf Im, ...Planters' Insurance Company ofr fS2mS?L ..i ni-h.4I e oi irmn easiu jfssisfTi mists uiv-iFranklin of Phlladelnhla. Pa.Pheoiiix of Brooklyn, New York.Home of New York.Virginia Fire and Marine of Richmond. Va.Contracts made In thlsgtate withthe Agents or pretended Agents ofoilier companies are in uireot violation of the laws of the Btate andabsolutely null and void. In caseof loss the insured is at tho mercyof the company, and by the decisions of the Btate and FederalCourts without remedy.B. W. FERGUSON.may 10. Ins. AgentCOMPLETEStovo and Tin-She? !A large and select stock ofHTOVES,COOKING AND OTHER.and all manner of Tin-Ware.Carper, Tig Sheet-Iron Worker,and dealer inDIB k COCZDTO STOVESNow on hand aud kept byII. G. WETUEttSUE.PUMPS OF VARIOUS KINDS.PARTICULAR attention pnldto all kinds of JOB WORK.Guttering? nut un iu any portionof the county. Orders executedpromptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. Washington Avenue andMnlberry Stan8,'74 GREENVILLE.ell rirrLca, ,BILVEIIOMITII,J;X.OKKKNVI1XE, MISS.TESPECTFt LLY informs theXX public that he ia prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry",In the most perfect manner, guaranteeing sausraouon in ail cases.August 37, U70-qrH. SCOTTWHOLESALE AMD EETAILRexps corsTunxY ox hakda fine ssssrtsssnt of laaey stay PUBLIC generally are reamted to sail and aaaaua mj stoolWore paNbasing elMwasr., . 'Cememberthe PlaoeCast side Cam itrt, stlwst Ma)harry and Iwnt.r.r."II OYRTE3 and PoultryW' always on hand. ffeb. 1,'7GBEEIILLE WASinNGTON CO.,Tkrce-Cari Ewte.Pmu Worn BwiasM Oat sr aBsskstsf th Alia talifurml-t.Last Wednesday, as the westward bonnd train of the CcutralPaclflc railroad arrived at Toano,two women of the crusading class,who had been traveling on thetrain for some time, got off to secif f ney conm nuu enncr m w -nerto go for. They had with thema basket filled with nice little Bibles, and with these they weregoing about doing good and making niouey. While on tbe trainh aolil ao-eral Bibles, and talk-i .about religion and rum to everyone who would submit to beingthus afflicted. As they stepped offthe train, bowed down by theheavy weight of the basket, whichthey carried between them, therewas a sigh of relief from the passengers, aud many a wish was ex-1pressed that the train would moveoff and leave then. While wandering about seeking customersfor their wares, they ran across agenteel looking individual, .whowas engaged in tossiJ ,aronnuthrco nieces of putebosM,' andWD0 teemed to be barfed in deephim, and noticing. his finely-cut,classical features were overspreauwlth ldf- of they offer-to iuwuluvu -resolvoj to give the ladle, a littlegame, Just to while away timo audkeep tnom quiet. llo threw tnecards and then asked them to pickout the Jack, which he had prcvi-oug,yihowil tJl0in They did so,once, twice, three Umes. Then hethrew them again, and one of theinnocents cried: "Thcro it is!f J ' "Jl "To!'em quick." "No, madam, youart mistaken," he replied; auddrawing out of his pocket a tenand two twenty dollar pieces, hesaid: "I'll bet you fifty dollarsyou don't know which is the J ack" Oh, we never" bet," said one ofthem ; "but yon can't fool us withyour nimblo fingers." And thenthey stood and eyed those foldPlco..nd thoughthey would do thorn, and how littletho possessor', apparently, approrth. Watching fortho favorable moment, tho reckless youn man said : " Well,don't care, seeing it's you ; I'll tellyouwhat I'll do, seeing you are soare about It. I'll bet you fiftydollars agaiust that basket ofbooks ; but evoryttlug goes as itlays you can't find tho Jack."Now thoy wcro convinced morethan ever that he was a bold, bad,wkkod man, and they determinedto take his money to help themalong iu tho good cause la whichthoy wcro engaged. They "putup." and as both were ccrtalu thesame card was tho one they wereafter, one of thorn seized it with :"This is tho boy.", It.wts turnedover, and it was the tray ! Theirnaturally long faces at once assumed a longer and more serious cast,and they looked at the cord, ateach other, at the bad, bad man,at the money, aud then at tho basket of Bibles, thoroughly bewildered. Tho mouto sharp put up histools and w alked off w 1 tk his plu n-dcr, and before tho victims comprehendod tho situation, ho disappeared from sight. The sequel issoon "told. Tho winner marchedthrough tho train and distributedtho Bibles among the passengersSeveral of the trophies arc now onexhibition in this city. What becamo of tho women is not knownby tho passengers.ScUixg a Prefessar. ,from the Chartoton (H. O.) Observer.It appears that ouo of the students at Davidson College, whowas too laay to do anything right,was in tho habit of cleaning outhis lamp chimney by running hisfinger down it as far as he could,and twisting it around. ' After hehad cleaned it out in this partialmanner one day not long , ago,fellow student took it up aud carried it to tho residence of ono oftho professors, with tho inquiry"Why is It that this chimney issmoked Just tip to this point andno further?" .The learned gentleman entered' Into an elaboratescientific explanation of why itwas, arguoing with great lucidaess, and citing hit reasoning'Whoa he had finished the studentsaid to him: "No, sir, you orewrong." " Why Is it, then I " saidtho profossor. "Because tho fcllow's fizr wasn't, long enough toroach any farther." rcpliod thestudent .. , 'm- J. -t : u ,The Republican of Delawarehave nominated a man nomodJump for Governor.Suatora becs.Psstsst Fstt KUss sa Isssrl Fsllswenft setts LsxiagUn's Thss OasQantsrsf aSsssal.Saratoga, August 20, A lightrain this morning laid the dustand put the track in good order.The second race was for a purseof $1400, distance four miles.Three horses, started : Wanderer,Fellowcraft, and Katio Tease.Fellowcraft was the favorite iu thepools, and was the only one of thethree horses that had hitherto rania a four niilo race. Fellowcraftled almost from the start, passingthe grand stand foar lengths ahead.At the end of the first mile Kalim . , .Pease and Wanderer were runningIn the same order; on the thirdmila Wanderer passed KaUe Peaseand was only a length behind Fellowcraft. . At the grand stand ontha fourth mile, Fellowcraft drewaway aud came iu winner by sixlengths, amid the enthusiasm ofthe spectators Wanderer second,and Katie Pease third. Time, 7:19This is the fastest fonr miles onrecord, and beats Lexington's famous time one quarter of a secondPitttig tie Scuitl U Use.From tat Dttroit Fret Praia.On Friday evening a womanabout thirty years old was arrested for disturbing the peace, audthe event almost distracted her,although she had seen the insideof a cell before. She began howling and weeping aa soon as shewas locked up, and Bijah, the Jan-itor of the Ninth avenue station, by the law governing similar aridfelt his heart getting tender. He trations, all arbitrators must beoffered, her a. harvest apple, but present at the hearing; that thetho merely stopped long enoughto boo wljftt R was and theu went Ion crying out: "I am dying, 1 1know I am." Ho besoucht her tolive for the sake of her husbaud,who is away on the Lakes, but shesaid she would be cold In deathbefore morning if not set at liberty, llo showed her the almanac,and tried to induce her to peruseit and settle her mind, but sho triedto pull liis hair through the bars,and raised her voice until it couldbe heard three blocks away. Hebegan reading tho almanac alond,but she drowned his voice, aud hohad to give it up. " Then he wentout and bought some peppermiutdrops and handed them to her,saying that it was a burning shameto arrest a lady like her for merelyhitting another woman ou the earwith a shovel. She was quiet fora row minutes, and then broko outagain, and tke roof of tho stationscorned to be rising up. Bijah offered her a pound . of gnm'drops,new bonnet, black silk dress,house and lot, and $50,000 in bondsif sho would only quit, but shedanced up aud down and yelled :"Lcmme out or I shall di-ahl"He locked all the doors and satdown ou tho front steps to let herexhaust herself, but after an hourand ten minutes, there being nocessation, he ran iu with an ax ouhit shoulder and threatened tocut her head right off if sho didn'tstep! ' " I won't I I won't ! " sheshouted, dancing np and down,aud taking a fresh start. - He thendrummed ou tho coal scuttle withthe ax., to drown, her voice, butthe voice drowned the scuttle,He nut tha hosn on tlm non stockait2-threatened to drown her. butshe shut her eves and idtched herv M on a now kov. Tho old manwaslndcsmUr. ThcmcnUD-stalrscouldn't sleep, ond the people out-doors thought a panther had beenthought a panther 1caged. As tho officer rubbed Lisbald hesi aud looked around, hiseyes lighted ou an old paper, andhis smile extcuded from car to ear.lie carried it in, turned up thegas, and shouted: "Have you readtho Bccchcr scandal yet ? " " Headwhat?" she exclaimed, suddenlyceasing to scrcsm. " The BcochorTilton, matter,' - ho continued ;" this ere thing that everybody istalking about?" "No, whero isit ? " she asked, and ho passed inthe paper, telling hot that if shewoum oe goou ne u l-'rest of tho statement in anotherpaper; and from that momenttil daylight tho. woman never ut-tcrea a wora, except once, wucusho asked if there wcrn't seveu oreight more papers with statementsin them. 4 "Cheating the dead la theerlme ofImw Kuh. Ru .mnlovedby Ealtlmere to bury its paupers,and In tbe case of each burial hecharged the elty 4 for a ooffln. Instead of using a new cofil n for everybody, howeverj he lias made one dofor all by dumping out the corpsesInto the graves and using the samebox over and over. When he foundthat he was watched, he dug upsome of the bod tes to tbe night andre-interred them properly ; but theevidence ag-tt kiss la eonolusl ve,nevertheless.MISS., STUIlTiYY, AUGUST O, 1H71.Title t Ckirck Propf rtj.Tke WsrsbVMSsXksaty Isjsastisa Cassat CklstgDssiskt sf tai Osarl.Chicago, August 15. In the Circuit Court, this afternoon, JudgeWilliams rendered a decision inthe. bmooa Cheney-Wbttehousecase. Anullcatlon was made toJudge Williams, last spring, bycounsel of the Whltchouse side ofthe controversy, for an injunctionrestraining Rev. Charles E. Cheueyfrom longer preaching iu ChristChurch, aud the organization fromthe further use ot the churuh property.' The case was argued for several days, and was taken under advisement by the Court, who givestta -aistf attdkaa IiLiv ' T!r r(iltri rl.was ao vifasaavaa owww et v-vvai wj1 thtt the obJef turns to thethe or,glul bill were notanJ Vere thereforeoverruled. His decision embodiedthe following points: Thut theproperty, though originally takenIn the name of the trutttotn, was iufact, taken for the benefit of nil whoshould be attached to the disciplineand worship of the ProtestautEpiscopal Church ; that the property was held for the benefit of theProtestant Episcopal Church andnot for the Low Church party ;that all Churches lu the UnitedStares are regarded in the law onlyas voluntary societies, and tho lawsand rules of the Cuuroh organization aro regarded as stipulationsbetween the parties ; that the exIsting canons were the stipulationsby which the Cheney agreed to betried ; that the Church Court morenearly resembles a court of ur ultration than a civil tribunal, and thatcourt tat the first trial of Mr. Che-ney consisted of five assessors, andtout only being present at tho trlulI and final decision. It was not acourt withlu the meaning of Churchcanon, and its action was voidthat upon the second trial the combad no Jurisdiction upon the subject matter, and Its decision was Blso void ; that the Bishop had nopower to sentence except in pursuance of the finding of a Churchcourt, and such findings being Invalid, his sentences are aho lavalid, and Cheney, was never legsllydeposed from the ministry. Thebill is therefore dismissed for wantofcqnlty,fiat KtftM Rf laded Joucs Of.Dm Plitl ia Uw Upltul"I think," I said, "Morton stuckon that word doctrinaire.1 it hudsuch a dreadful sound to hint"He reminded me," resided theSenator "of a queer character weonce had In Nevada by the nameof Pokcbury. He was a lawyer ofsome promise, but came to nothing, through drink. Losing all hiscllcuts he. went to mining, andjoined a rough miner namedfiuokes. At the end or a weekPokebury appeared In town withablack eye, a swolen nooe and Inrer-ated garments. Of course we woianxious to know all about it. 'Wellyou see' said he, 'Billy aud t werepartners, aud I like Billy, for heI a well-meaning man for an uneducatcd man. But Billy and I dissolved partnership, we settled sndI struck leastwise we struck eachother and Billy settled. Our firstlittle difference was of an aelrono-mlcal character, vvc umaeu uda differently. Billy divided onM-i nu i uiviuea o.iI . . I T JI..1J . I .... 1t Ainstead of allowing lor"trouoinlcal difference, sai.l 1y tS Uut 1 dldu,t m,n,! 1WASthatfor Billy was my partner, you seeand had a rl-ht to his views. Thenwe differed on ablution.. Billyabluted before breakfast, and saidI was a dirty dog, for you see I always ablute after breakfast. ButI didn't mind that, for people willdiffer, and, so long as the diltercncedon't afreet busluess, what's theodds. But the third difference wasjust a little too much for wo. Wwere sitting to beans anil slapjacks, and Billy blowing about mybeing a greedy dog, when suddenHi- fcUow m(J to m VA thnkyou for 'those molasses.' This wasmiInh mmlM Mtt .thogemolasses' to me aud live; audjUBt took Mm ln the countenancewiik . rla-ht-hander that seltloatm and ua damned inmilUnr.'badgrammer together. TbatViAe waywe dissolved. I'm In town, and Iguess .Bill will fee here in a coupleof weeks." "And so," continuedI the Senator. "Morton sirucaondoctrinaire.A small boy, telling his "pain"now he earns to be detecd stealingapples In a grocery store, proceededthus i "Well, I didn't care sodurnsd much about beiu seeu, butthe clerk was cross-eyed , an' Ithought he was watcbln' a dorgfight 'cross the street; but bo waslookin' square xLU mc, ah', hohelped me clean into the gu(nr."Sttigmis EanklE? Uouse.Tss F Mist i sf Tvs Tsaag Ihdg Taia-ton Oat if tk firm 8srvisg AsaPasksr at 9100 Fir Uk !! V. Trwt Prvas.About thirty years as the Delaware bridge was Just aa it Is nowmuch In want of a coat of goodpaint, well spread on, and the managers then ordered," as I hope thi-ywill now order, its bring forthwithdone, as work at present with thatworthy class of our citizens is notvery pressing. As the Job at thatwas a pretty largo one pevcrai puiutors were employed, and amongthe party was a young Jew. whoreceived sixty-two and a hnlf centsper day for his labor, and his brother was.theii employed by Asa Packcr at $i00per:tnnuiu. But low wiges and .salary did not stamp outtheir 'Indomitable energy ami perseverance, for shortly auerwaruthey both went to California, wherethere was then a wide and proiUble field for energy am! enterprise,ust sueh as tuoy poesetitcd and usedtogrent nil vantage, which securedto thorn a largo amount of wealth.In due lime they returned to NewYork, which gave them a moresuitable field for employing theirlargo capital for a time lu mercanllle pursuits; but latterly promtnont bankers lu huge financial oprations on their owu account, nndagents for tho Messrs. RothchlM.tNow, reader, who do you thinkthese two vouiik Jews are, whamwo lave hastily described ? W hynone other than the Messrs. Seligmans, so prominently connectedwith uncle Barn's. ftfu.OUU.OOOOlfivo per cent, bonds.'"'1A contemporary notes that whavo become so habituated to theuse of tho ocean cable, I hut wseldom pause to consider what wdid ln tho (lays (not very long ab)when it was still a tiling of thefuture. Tho Comto do Paris, 1his lata " History of the War olSecession," recalls that era withsingular vividness by a suggestionthat, oftor all, a great and benell'miL tuvuiiLioti mav exhibit itselfin a questionable light. Tho illutrutive incident is ouo which is ytfresh in every American memoryAfter citing a series of dr.tmaicircumstances tho boarding of theTrent by tho Federal marines, tlriiitck wild liory indignation of En-eland, tho stimulus of the liutreilof tho richer classes to the Norththo pugnacity of l'alinerstoii, thosending of tho Guards to Cnmulwith tholr lands playing "I'm oilfor Charleston," etc.-tho authorsavs: "Thcro wcro t-.vo men froi;whom a slmrlo imnrudcut wordmliflit have causod. nt this criticalmoment, Irreparable evil. Thewere Lord Lyons; Milliliter of KBland at Washington, iiml MAdams, Minister of America iuLondon. Thcv both showed atact and a skill for which tholr fellow citizens should owe thorn eternal gratitude Thoy had, as anauxiliary, tho Atlantic, which byImposing ou the communicationbetween thb two countries a delayof fifteen days, jnvc time for nalutary reflections to mako themselvesfelt on either sMo. Mr. A dan ifafterward told tho author, whowas at tho tune at Wtsliingtoji,that if thotruiibatkulic cablo hadthen existed, war would have beeninevitable.A correspondent of tho LondonThncF, writing from Alexandria,remarks:' "Fancy mutton fattcnudon ancient Egyptians I Tim otherday, at Sakhara, I saw nino camelsltaclng down from tho mummypits to tho bank of tho river, ladenwith nets, in which were femora,tibia, and other brny bits of thehuman form, somo two hundredweight iu each net on each smo ottho camel. Among tho pits therewore pooplo busily cuKuged msoorcliing out, sifting aud sortingtho bones, which almost encrustthe ground. On inquiry I learnedthut tho cargoes with which thecamels were laden would be souldown to Alexandria, and theace beshipped to English manure manufacturers. They make excellentmanure, lam told, particularly forSwedes d other turnips. Thetrado ts brisk, and has been goingon for years, aud may go on fy'many more. It is a strange futoto prcscrvo one's skeleton for thousands of years, in order-that theremay bo flno Southdown" and (hoviols in a distant land! But EgyptIs alwayi a plaoo of wonders."a-amJja-ayB--a--iII. M. Burnsido, brother of Genoral A. E. Burnsido, committedauiclde by hanging at Fairhind,ludiana, on -the Itkh of August, ina lit of temporary insanity, tAM the Teat Powers of Europe,with the exception of Russia, haveunited iu the recognition of thoUennbllo of Spain. Tho reasonassigned for Uu.-si:f a rel'uxul is heropposition to tbd ciicouruifoiuuut iof Hcpublli-ulsiu in Europe. 'IVO.CITY SAW MILLS.:o:2ors&x. dL Piatt,Manufacturer ofCypress LumberOf all description.Sftisouctl LiuuWrOX HAND,NI LUMBER SAWED TOV. GKDEll.ALSOSHINGLES AND PICKETS.Orders solicited tuidPromptly Filled.CA32 PilD FtB TSEEE,umber at Reduced PricesFOH GAH1I.Greenville,may y-1"DRUG STORE.A. LS. 1'lPiL.VY ,Sc CO4- hkai.kks ik.aspICSBIOITJESarEni'X'iiliiiY.'TCILET SOAl'iS,Oils,Vaiuts,Dyctt, Xas.iA 1,80SODA AND MENEIIAL' WATEliS(h rat:n tal b Bottles.Corner Washingtuu Avon no anilMulbcrrr strouts.Fob0-n9. OREKNVILLK.CJ1CDuex.mOro-COCOKg"er? rH5"P3nHo'AtWaaCDa-aCi,'srm srC5Oros-St'itli343 i)StZ m :it' i 1 1m'AW7.a.w -10GaH.MACHINISTboiler mmineiiEi-;xvitM-;,?ii33." !UTQW oirers his services to thoA" planters of Washington andadjoining ei hi n tics iu repairingboilers and plantation machinery.trl''or any information annly toliim or to Davis Buckner at Worthlugton, Jluiskner A Co. Iiaukem,i"" GRKUNVILLE, MISS,may 30-4;t. . -.ICS ICEHiivinsr received my ICE barrelam now prepared tothl orders torICEboth from Greenville and irom thocoiintiy. , ' . A.Owing to hard tifhcn and tho reduced number of regular- patron,I will not bo able to deliver ice.Jmio27 I. IfrKNUKUG.te. eWoqDEALER IMFamily Groceries,Confactlonriso,CANBD-FRUiTS,1'lCKIiLH it PRESEUVhS,WINKS A LKiUOJt-S.TOBACCO & UIGARS.Also at my bnr ,are mixed iy porsuiiH wuo(ixuotly how tlmy shoiihl be prepared Also are kept on haml.HAVANA CTOABS,of t!io riffhest frflj;nme. to hhswwho ft (4i.t faioon, RoodDrinks, aud fine ClK-irs, wo say, .Try ray Oslo ca,Ou Mulberry Kliost.Greenville, Mis4idppl, ,July 5th, 1873-tf,V. it L. It. VA1XIAT,ATTORNEYS AT LAW.- gueexvilljS, tiia.PmctiCf in Waslunirton and IarMuna t-vuntiiMi, ami lu the Unitebiav Couils at jacKswu. upicius. w. cmkkb. aoH.t w.siuaxM.tLAUkK k MUELD8,ATTORNEYS AT I. WOn Waluut street near the Court-House Orsenville. MIms.w. a. hayc1iaft,'a ttorsey at law,n-ul Kstate A;eat,GlUiUNVlLLE, - . - MISSMukos the paynieiit of taxt j, nxkiaition, sala aud luai'u of UutU ajieciality.W. A I KltCV. w. O. YEKGBPERCY & YKROEK,ATTORNEYS AT LAW" CUEENVILLC, HISS.W. K. TKIUU. 1. M. BUCKS EttTlliaCi JcBUCKNKIt.'ATTOJtiWXS AT LAW,OREKS VII.l.R. MIHH.UClee iu New Bank liuilding, Muiirstreet up-stalrs.O. . ;ATVUIl-tt'l .IT l-AVV,WILL PBACTICR" In the Courts,or Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar,WuxliiiM.tun anil lutuMincna Conntlmt,ami attend to the wile, jMirehaiMt aadleasing uf plautiuious aud payment staxna.K. 0. IlCOiilXS. J. SKLNNEU.HUGGINS 4 SKINNER,"ATTORNEYS AT L-AW,tiUltr:KNVII.LE, MISS.,WILL PKACTICB In tho Unitedbtate Courts and t lie Supreme''imit. of tlm 8taU. aud tha Circuit.snd Chauoery Cour's of Waslilutin,Itullvnr and buniiuror cummcs, amiattend to uusus iu tlio MaistrateiiCourts. dec 7, 187'J-tfMAGlijTUATE'S COURT.J. F. HARRIS, J. P.KKOUtAB TEKM8riral nhd Third Mond.iys In cacllMouiU.Oflh c ODon from 9 A. M. to 6. f".m. dally.npr.4, 1871.I-. A MONTOOJI11KV. . U. VIOOIIKATTORNEYS AT LAW,RivisHTON, Bolivar county, Miss.D, ,T. STONE,DENTIST,WASHINGTON AVENUH,.i--vGUEENVILLB, MiSB.Jannar- 7, 1871-3uiDr. N. G. Skinner,OFFEttS HIS- IPFCTECCICNAL SERVICES..'..:.;. to r .. ,p:tisMk of Crcr-.: I" 7Offick at his dwelling; on l'-Labtroct.' may A3,J, W. WILSON,HOUSE, SIGHANDBuggy Pain toreI'ulnts, Oils For Sale.I HAVE opened' a shop especiallyfor UiiKcy aad Carriaga Paintineaud hone toreoulve tho iiatronaco oftho tmblio. CFHhop at N. B. Johnson's Warehouse on Mnlbuito ou Mulberry St.,GKELMVILLE, U1B$may W,ARTHUR o'cor.r.c,FASHIONABLEBOOT TTAnr.7 SHOP on. MULBERRY BTHZZT,Creeaville, . 22sippLJnne o, 1874-nl. '.I.YMKS 1131111 Y,WVSE A.U SIGN PAIXTI2. 'PAPER IIAKGEi:AMDGLAZIEB.Walnut Street, below Central.Avenue, Greenville, lt-74-tf.Livery & Sz2Wi ;' and -: . : aTHE nii(lor!-nl hernl y fto the pn that W ikm charge of their tON WAHHINGT. iBest of attcnttri - 'cz:KNTRUStKOSTOCK lit at: C.At jerrs, r . r -re , i.. , r ,mo-J). 1H.J. . 2b1af7f3a8
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