When Do You Decay In League Of Legends ##TOP##
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Also, there are three different barrel decay speeds, depending on Gangplank's level. Be aware of when you hit level 7 and 13, as your spike in decay speed can catch both you and your lane opponent off-guard.
Level 1-6: Barrels tick down every 2 seconds. Practice at level 1-6 the most. People tend to mess up the hardest at early levels, when the decay timer is long. Also, with such a long recharge cooldown, it's important you don't let your lane opponent disarm your barrels. In lane, you won't be able to use your E for on-demand damage. Instead, you'll be using these to establish zone control in a melee matchup, farm/poke in a ranged matchup, or escape ganks.
Level 7-12: Barrels tick down every 1 second. Around these levels, combos will be easier to pull off, since you won't have to sit around waiting for a 2 second decay timer. You can look to group around these levels - when other lane opponents see you for the first time, they'll usually fail at disarming your barrels, and you can easily pull off combos. 153554b96e